Thursday, April 22, 2010

Do Not Worry, My Friends!

Painting by Robert Garland

Do not worry, my friends!

The sky will tic tac toe for you.
Spring’s first green will dance for you
Chestnut trees will sing for you.

Country lanes will wait for you.
Butterflies will paint for you.
Summer heat will cool for you.

Coffee cups will clap for you.
Construction zones will nourish you.
Old leather shoes will remember you.

Garbagemen will cheer for you.
Railroad men will smile for you.
Being poor will hold no shame for you.

Little dogs will follow you.
Churches will quiet you.
Children will grow you.

Angels will ache for you.
Moving vans will cry with you.
Heaven’s breath will canopy you.

Jannie Funster

Posted over on her site Jannie Funster: Will Sing for Donuts & Beer

Jannie wrote further:

***The other day I Stumbled on this site called _____ will ______ you. Fascinating place. LOVE the concept! Very poetically inspiring for me.

One disclaimer – please enter there at your own risk, much of the content is definitely R rated.

Since I discovered ____ will____ you, I’ve been infiltrating daily and dropping little “poetic love bombs” like the lines above. My hope is if I leave at least 20 non-crass thoughts there a day for the rest of my life, eventually the crasser ones will show up maybe only once in every 100, unlike once in every 3 to 5 as they seem to now — my reasoning being people are starving for nice thoughts. Do you think?

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