Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Textile Art by Elina Lusis-Grinberga


Many spend their lives prostrate
praising their prophet of choice,
or those politicians who straddle
our civilization like towering statues,
like stone-faced colossus’ wearing
our blessings to gird their loins.

Others merely praise the first
foul breath of consciousness
shifting from dream to cityscape,
pleased to greet the grind
of the gray hours
awaiting them trussed in
their harness, their yoke, their chains—
finding joy in coffee, in the blues
that a slide guitar vibe
can burst from eight speakers
inside the beer can transport
they pilot perilously through
the melee of the morning.

I praise the end of servitude,
the frayed colorful yarn knots
on the tail of the rope of indenture,
soon to be seven day weekends,
ten sweet hours of sleep,
soon to fill my days
with writing, reading, watching, walking
and smiling;
soon to refill
the dangerously low levels
of love and creativity within
the vessel of my Self.

Glenn Buttkus April 2010


  1. Glenn,
    There are a lot of reasons for publishing I guess, but I'm thinking of being able to sit by a fire some winter evening and read a book containing a body of your work. I like to read slowly and savor things - which is hard for me to do when I'm reading online. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Do you have a "sifted" collection? Start with a chapbook maybe?

    Just thinking out loud..,


  2. I agree with Rick.
    I suggest, recommend, actually that you not "retire" but merely quit wasting your time working for a living and stay active writing.

    This philosophy is working very well for me.

    In any case, stay active, after a few weeks, seven day weekends and 10 hr naps get deadly boring real soon.
