Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's So Seventeenth

Tapestry by Bracha Lavee

it's so seventeenth

it is so seventeenth
century the way we still
shuttle memories back
and forth by hand so that
we have reason
to touch.

i let you hold
down the strongest
memories, stretched
tautly by time, while
i maintain the fill, following
each spun horizon.

the longer we do this,
the richer our threads.
the longer we do this,
the finer our patterns
the longer we do this,
the more alive our beloved

Yi-Ching Lin

Posted over on her site Yi's Bits on "Healthy Doses"


  1. The more things change, the more they stay the same. So it seems.

    I feel we are still in the 16th century.

  2. We are still -
    We are still
    We are still -
    ashamed of our nakedness
