Sunday, June 13, 2010

June Ride

"dynamism of a cyclist" by Umberto Boccioni

June Ride

Missed Bothell
went on up
to the bike rest

stop on
the Sammamish trail.
Missed the sausage and

egg breakfast
I intended to have.
Walked out the waterfront

trail through
the wetlands between
MOHAI and Foster island.

The lake
is high and
I stepped up to

my ankle
in mud. Took
a break on a

park bench
at 45 miles.
Rode both ways the

upper trail
at the arboretum.
Beautiful trail, wish it

was 100
miles long. Took
another break under a

tree at
a boat launch
ramp and all the

stuff in
my pockets fell
out. Some change and

my best
Swiss army knife.
Went back after I

got home
and had a
shower and lots of

cold water
and got it.
The sun was out

and so
was everyone else.

Doug Palmer


A poem;

This is what dreamers do -
The upper trail through the arboretum should go on


Posted over on Feel Free to Laugh

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