Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Ordinary men
act extraordinary,
fierce purpose prevails.

A band of brothers
fight to the death for each other
and the world-at-large.

War, like it or not,
determines one’s survival.
“Life” does not take sides.

Peace is an ideal;
easier said than done, right?
Honor our fallen.

Life at war with life;
there is no permanent peace
’til heaven’s on Earth.

Armed Services all
remind me their loyalty:
one Band of Brothers.

Stark reality
sinks in. Strangers died for me!
Life is greatest gift.

Nation under God,
One Purpose, One way of Life:
Brother’s Keepers all.

I bow to fallen
soldiers past, present, future:
Reverence unfolds.


Janet Leigh

Posted over on her site Poetmeister

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