Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Painting by Michael Goldberg


We all know what a good thing
blood banks are.
Taking from those of us who take care
to keep ours inside,
and giving to those
who are a little less cautious about it.

So, I'm thinking what a good thing
it would be to have a mental health bank.
Where us sane folks,
those of us who keep a respectable balance
between our imaginations and our observations,
can donate a pint of rationality to those in need.
Those who insist on trying to live in the "should be"
rather than the "what you see is what you get"

Both groups would gain.
The latter, a more enjoyable life.
And the former, a chance to re-experience
that wonderful learning curve all over again.

Doug Palmer July 2010

Posted over on Feel Free To Laugh

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