Thursday, September 30, 2010

Attending the Third Annual Willow Ball


Thursday, September 30, 2010.
Oh Lord, in the midwest today
has dawned birthed in blood
and has now moved past
the delicate oranges and yellows
and transitioned into a sky
of perfect electric blue,
around the delicate swan neck
of a brilliant Indian Summer,
as the throngs and masses
move and converge
Woodstock style over to
Kincaid's farm for the
behemoth ball at
Willow Manor!!!!!
The state police are directing
traffic, and the national guard
are keeping order, for the Rumors
are as thick in the air
as a biblical plague of locusts,
and the guests are agog,
tingling with anticipation,
for it is believed that our very own
President Barack Obama, will land
here for lunch in his Chinook
White House chopper, and then he
and Michelle will lead off
the first waltz; damn what
an event, and of course the
media vans are thick as fleas
on old Shep as the entire planet
watches CNN, Fox News, and
Entertainment Tonight coverage
of the arrival of celebrities,
for there are ten red carpets,
and one perfectly white one
where Miss Willow will make
her grand entrance in her
virgin white gown.
This event, a well kept Midwestern
secret the first two years
has gone global this time,
and millions will drool and clap
and some may even pass out
with the excitement, the glitz,
and glamour, and audacity,
for it is clearly remarkable
that the Willow Manor guest list
recognizes no parameters, no limits,
and Time itself will ride the Past
bareback across the lawn, yawning
wide to open its maw allowing
hundreds of portals to pop open
and give a access to all the
celebrities of the past and present
to pour forth, resplendent,
and eager to party.

I arrived in time for breakfast in my pearl
white Hummer stretch limo, and stepped out
onto a red carpet with the lovely
Carrie-Anne Moss on my arm, and she
shocked the folks by wearing her
skin-tight MATRIX outfit, with short
bobbed hair and those sunglasses.
As promised, I am wearing the
George Armstrong Custer inspired
white leather tuxedo, soft deerskin
with long black fringes across my back,
carrying a cavalry sword for effect,
to be checked with my 7th Cavalry cape,
and Cyrano white-plumed hat. I also will
check my spurs, but my knee high black
leather boots will be fun to dance in.

Glenn Buttkus
is in the house,
in the Manor,
and in the swing of things.

Doesn't Carrie-Anne look smashing? Willow's guests are still agog.

She is spending way too much time smoozing with Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver, and I have had difficulty in keeping her from competing in the fencing, western fast draw contests, and even the arm wrestling competitions.

What a gorgeous date I managed for the Ball this year, don't you think?

Here's my inspiration for my Tux, and the dueling contest out in Willow Manor garden.

Another view of my tuxedo inspiration.

Marty Scorsese and I had some spirited film discussions over several Last Word cocktails by firelight.

Alan Rickman helped organize a HAMLET corner at the Ball, where actors who have portrayed the dark brooding prince got to do monologues and answer questions, kind of a meet and greet Hamlet event.

Mel Gibson remains one of my favorite more natural Hamlets.

David Tennant was a surprise guest, and his latest Hamlet is dazzling, supported by Patrick Stewart, who showed up too, dressed as Captain Pecard.

What a joy to hear John Gielgud reciting the Bard.

Kenneth Branagh gave us the almost uncut version of Hamlet, and many stayed awake for the whole thing!
Mel took his turn at the graveside.

Larry Olivier got a huge applause after his recitation.

Kenny gets intense.

Another surprise guest, Jude Law, reminded us that he did Hamlet on Broadway recently.

Now the discussion corner gets heated up, with Gielgud and Branagh, and another fine Hamlet, Derek Jacobi.

Yorik certainly got a workout at the Ball!

And to think that Branagh is such a good dancer too; gosh, will wonders never cease here at the Willow Ball?

Nicol Williamson reminded us that he had some face time with Yorik as well.

yeah, sure, Jude, you were cool in the part too.

Yes, Richard Burton--now that's what I talking about!

Alas dear Yorik, so many kisses on these cold lips tonight. Miss Willow really
knows how to throw a party!

Patrick Stewart surprised Miss Willow with a passionate tango.

Ah Sean, nobody wears one better!

And here he is, Harvey Keitel, Willow's favorite duelist.

Billy and Elton love to play together; another great coup for Miss Willow!

Joni got things rolling in the dueling pianos over in the library, and she loved doing a duet with Victor Borge.

Always a fun pair, Goldie and Kurt attended the Willow Ball too.

Demi and Ashton looked Divine. I wonder why she slapped him?

Brad and Angelina were a gorgeous couple, and everything went well until Angie started sucking face with Clive Owen.

My goodness, Helen Mirren, is that what you were wearing under that smashing red ball gown?


  1. You sound a tad scandalous, but I can't help being intrigued. I wouldn't mind leaving Patrick 's side for a twirl around the dance floor with you. That is, if you don't mind my being so bold!

  2. Step aside Margaret because I am THAT bold!

  3. I was holding my breath through the entire duel thing,having never before witnessed such.
    Harry was NO match against that sword and I was so nervous. A revolver isn't always an equalizer, is it?

  4. Save me a twirl ... certain Mr. Stafford won't mind - he loves your date too!

  5. Swarms are descending on the manor in biblical proportions! This last I noticed, you and Marty Scorsese were furiously talking film by the fire. The conversation was getting faster and faster, more and more intense, talking completely over one another, until I couldn't tell whose words were whose!

  6. A Hummer stretch limo? Now that's arriving in a certain style!

  7. Margaret, yes, you may have this
    next dance, a rendition of the
    Lindy I believe, and your
    clingy sequined short skirt
    should twirl magnificently!
    Thanks for asking.

  8. Yoli, love your style, girl, but
    Maggie asked so nice I
    took her out there first.
    You have my full attention
    now, and this number seems
    very Latin, a samba perhaps.
    Wow, you certainly know
    how to use your hips,
    and that dress works well
    for the clings, clinches,
    and dips. Thanks for the
    interest. See you at the
    dessert table later.

  9. I had no idea whether Willow
    allowed dueling, but perhaps
    now this will be another annual
    event, like the Hamlet and
    Shakespeare competition.
    Harry seems irritated with
    Mel Gibson over the drinking
    and broadsword issue, but
    hey, a revolver is just not
    kosher. Pistol shooting,
    and fast draw contests
    are being conducted over
    by the garden shed they
    tell me.

  10. So Stafford is here somewhere?
    Good on him. Yes, yes, let's
    take a spin out there on the
    hardwood boards, and we
    will twirl and spin so fast
    we will make the lights blink
    and cause the bare shoulders
    to get goose flesh.

  11. I'm telling you, Willow, this
    affair is almost beyond description!
    Good thing you have the state
    police and national guard on
    hand. Sure, what I like about
    Marty Scorsese is he is shorter
    than me, and I admit to him
    that he knows more about
    cinema than Peter Bogdanovich.

  12. AngelMay, you are looking very
    stylish yourself. How did you
    arrive tonight, and on whose
    arm are you?

  13. Oh, Glenn, I'm so sorry! Did Harvey Keitel do that to you? Maybe you should have a doctor take a look? Omar Sharif is here, he is a Russian doctor, isn't he?

    I knew you should never have agreed to a duel with Harvey.

  14. Merely a scratch, dear lady.
    Yes, Keitel is a tiger with the
    blade, perhaps the sword
    champion for this year.
    Omar Shariff poured some
    dark ale on the flesh wound,
    and plastered on two
    Spiderman band aids, so
    I should be fine.

  15. Please Please Please whatever you do do not give Clive Owen a fire arm. I won't get a dance out of him or anything else for that matter!

  16. Oh my Gawwwd, Glenn! I am must be heaven with all the Shakespearean actors (in my other life I am an English instuctor)....Richard Burton...(swooon)!
    I responded over at Melrose Musings to your attachment to Scoltand.
    Oh, please... save a dance for me!

  17. Hi, a gorgeous date...the guys are swooning! You look very handsome yourself. Willow knows how to throw a party, doesn't she? :)

  18. I agree...Mel Gibson is a brilliant and my favourite Hamlet.
    Helen Mirren is aging
    brainy beauty. I like your taste.
    Sorry, I am too inebriated to dance with you...maybe next year!

  19. I had to pop back in this morning to revisit some of my favorite moments of the ball...Ken Branagh ((swoon))...The Duelists ((sigh)). You really do deserve a Pulitzer nomination, Glenn, for the fabulous stream of ball journalism! You're the best, my friend. xx

  20. Oh, and thank you SO much, for having destroyed those photographs this morning.
    Evidence, you know,,,,

  21. What in the hell are you talking about?

  22. Gosh, Sir Savant, you will need
    to head over to Willow Manor,
    or Tess's FB page and trudge
    through the 437 comments
    covering 23 hours of partying
    to fully grasp the answer to
    that inquiry.
