Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Am Man--Smell Me

I Am Man--Smell Me

Clear gun oil streaming
from barrel’s lips,
or cylinder’s thighs;
WD40 bathing
a stubborn key;
grey-brown beach sand,
still ripe with kelp and sea gull,
as you coax it tenderly
out of your sandals;
an inch-thick sirloin steak
sizzling shoulder to hip
with a fat dripping braut;
the gym locker room
as your muscles pulsate
with burn and power;
yesterdays socks hidden
under yesterday’s briefs
in the soft corner of morning;
sweet grass sweat from
yard labor, or the thick
viscus of flower stems
and top soil after gardening;
the first deep sniff
of your wife’s weekly roses,
bacon frying and beckoning
from the other room, as
your spouse lets you sleep in;
my wife’s hair as I hug her
from behind, burying my nose
in her special beauty;
pine and cedar and oak
giving up its pithy essence
under the saw blade;
garlic or onion mist
shared with office mates
after a hurried lunch;
ginger root or cinnamon flakes
or coconut shards or lemon
peels or vanilla’s slap
after the first snap
of a freshly baked cookie;
my wife’s black panties
fresh from the floor,
or later as I fold them
before their gentle journey
to her undies drawer;
the flatulent embrace
from chili-con-carne
garnished deep with
onions and Mexican cheese;
damp toweled hair
after a hot shower;
well worn leather
jackets, gloves, belts, holsters,
and hippy hats;
unmistakable grease gun cologne
rank and sweet, coating the sink
at the local garage’s rest room;
fishing vests and creels
steaming fresh with fish blood,
or just the way the lake smells
as dawn breaks red
upon its fetching stillness.

Glenn Buttkus September 2010

Posted as #42 over on Magpie Tales 33


  1. May I be the first to utter ... OMG!

  2. Oh yes! The delights of the olfactory do not stop at flowers! Just lurve the ingredients of high octane flatulence but please, not in the house... not when the candles are lit!

  3. I am with Helen and Stafford OMG that was olfactory overload but fun to read!

  4. Holy Haleakala!

    Now if I could only get Kris Kristofferson to read this to me...


  5. First of all Ooo La La .....
    Man scent = Heaven scent (except maybe for the flatulence, dirty socks, briefs & fishing attire.)

  6. Hey, this is one of my all time favorites. I'm amazed that you can summon up all these "images" out of whatever probably ordinary environment in which we live. I could no more do that than fly. That poor image is the best I can summon.

    Great work,


  7. yep....that's my husband! Fabuloso!

  8. I enjoyed this assault on the nostrils. Eloquently inhaled.

  9. A sensual soiree of scents. Wonderful, Glenn.

  10. oh yes...the scent of man...though many seem to smell like old couch these days...smiles. nice magpie!

  11. Glenn this is covered the whole spectrum! :-)

  12. You missed out the chocolate teapot.

  13. That overlaoaded my nose, and no mistake! LOL :)

  14. Wow, olfactory overload is right! But I love how you changed up from something intense, almost offensive to the senses, then went to something enjoyed by most... 'WD40 bathing a stubborn key; grey-brown beach sand' ... a short less intense moment to breathe in, before the strong aroma of 'an inch-thick sirloin steak sizzling'

    Very nicely done.
