Monday, September 6, 2010

Message From A Punditess

You know once in a while, like many of you, I Google
myself just to see what the Cyber Lords of Yahoo, Google,
and all their cousins feel is important data on me. I came
across a comment left for me by Janet Leigh Dowd over on
her site
and it just made me smile. Of course for
every one who responds to me as she does, there are
two more out there that email and demand that I take
down a posting because I had the temerity to post
some of their poetry over here without their express
permission. Just had one of those today, and the
"delete" button was buzzing.

Janet wrote:


Com’ere you big hunk! {{{hugs}}} You are so good for an
ever-inflating ego, kiddo, and I wish every one around me
would be hanging on my every word, Glenn. Around here,
I’m just Miz Verbosity, thee olde phart. heh heh Actually,
I swiped this poem from Contessa ChiChi’s blog, my
alter-ego. I didn’t think she’d mind. But then again,
who knows? I may be her next target *rolling eyes*
By the way, I made a quick foray into your blog and
you’ve put some more great poems up, Glenn. I
can’t get enough of your blog, but I can’t wrest myself
away sometimes – to my detriment. sigh. But don’t let
that stop you.

{{{hugs}}} Janet

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