Friday, September 10, 2010


Remember what it felt like to watch Barack Obama back when he was Candidate Obama? Seeing him fired up and ready to go in front of a crowd of 20,000?

Well, as of this week, that Obama's back. On Wednesday, he gave a feisty, tough speech that showed just how irresponsible Republicans have been, how crazy it'd be to give them back control of Congress this fall, and what he proposes to do to get our economy back on track.

The strongest stand he took was making sure that Congress lets Bush's infamous tax cuts for millionaires expire—while preserving tax cuts for the rest of us.1 Republicans hate the idea of taxing their super-rich friends. And some corporate Democrats might side with the Republicans and the corporations instead of regular people.

That's why we need to show Democrats in Congress that voters want them to stand tall and stand with Obama on this.

The Bush tax cuts for the super rich aren't just bad policy, they are bad politics too. Voters consistently reject extending those giveaways in poll and after poll.2

And economists agree that the top 2%—the richest folks who the Republicans are going to bat for—don't spend this money, meaning this tax giveaway doesn't have any stimulative affect on the economy.3

But struggling families will spend it. They need relief now and that will help our economy.

With Republicans committed to bailing out their rich, corporate friends to the tune of $700 billion at the expense of middle class families, it is essential that Democrats stand up and do the right thing.

Nita Chaudhary

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