Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rabbi's Razor

Rabbi’s Razor:

Circumcision as Divinity

Confusion reigns in the bodice
of rainbows, and on the pricks
of pale and dark babes,
split open like premature pubic pods
for medicinal and spiritual purposes.

8 is the sign of the covenant,
and clearly circumcision must be
performed on the eighth day.

8 is the numeric value
of the Greek words
“Lord” and “Faith”.

The Torah mandates that
the circumcision of a male child
must occur on the eighth day
from birth--and this surgery,
this removal of boy-hymen, membrane,
and flesh web represents the
glorious power of the soul
to contact the light which
totally transcends nature.

The rainbow was God’s original sign
of the covenant, and the number 8
alludes to the absolute infinity of God.
It is called the Omega Point.

God said, “I set my bow in the clouds,
and it shall be ever a token of
the covenant between Me
and the earth.”
(Genesis 17:10)

The commandment to circumcise
all male children was obeyed
by Joseph and Mary after
the birth of Jesus.

God said,”Circumcise yourselves
to the Lord, and take away
the foreskins of your heart.”
(Jeremiah 4.4)

Muslim boys pass through Khitan,
circumcision ritual after they
are able to recite the entire
Koran once without a mistake--
and this is a festive ritual, with guests,
and special foods, and a lot
of loud praising of Allah
designed to drown out
the boy’s terrible cries.

Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons,
Christian Scientists and the Amish
all forbid it, as it violates the body.
can they look at rainbows
without shame,
without reproach?
Is the sacred omegaic rite
of circumcision the key
to world peace?

All I know is
that my grandfather was born
in 1897 and was never circumcised,
and he could stand flat-footed
and piss over a telephone pole.

Glenn Buttkus September 2010

Posted as #125 over on Magpie Tales 32


  1. Interesting piece, in relation to eight. But the best part is how you wind it all up at the end. Brilliant.

  2. I appreciate all the information on such a "touchy" subject- however the last part is, as Willow said, Brilliant!

  3. Very educational

