Monday, September 13, 2010

We Are Remembering

we are remembering

we are remembering
and forgetting and
remembering all
the time, with
two beams churning
the night air, memories
stacked like stars

Yi Ching Lin

Posted over on her site Yi's Bits


  1. With all the millions who remember those memories really are "stacked like stars" Very nice poem. I wrote one too that was about my memory of the day after. I titled it "Quieted" if you would like to read it?

  2. I'm here by way of Friko as your comments are so moving.
    HOWEVER, I am seriously envious of your movie collection. I had thought
    mine was large at around 2,500 and wondered at my OCD nature that would collect and cling to so many.
    Now I am relieved. There is one worse than I out there, I will point at you, good sir, when people question my pillars.

  3. thank you, Kristen! i'd love to read your Quieted.
