Friday, September 10, 2010

What About Sunsets?

Image by Alex Shapiro

What About Sunsets?

What is it about sunsets?
Each one different, each one compelling.
Theme, and variations.
Inspiration, and distraction.
Yup. Of the most riveting kind.

At this upper latitude--48.4 degrees,
if you’re interested, and yes, I can claim
that I’m north of Canada, the sun still sets
pretty late even as autumn nears,
and the penumbra of color and glow
lasts for a very, very long time.

Long enough for me to think about all the things
I should be doing instead of gazing mindlessly
into the sunset. And long enough to think about
how really, there’s nothing else in the world
that’s more important to do.
I like rotating around this elusive flaming star
year after year: age improves my sense of priorities!

Alex Shapiro

Image by Alex Shapiro

Posted on her site(s) Notes From the Kelp
and on her Facebook page.

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