Thursday, October 14, 2010

Open The Doors

Open the Doors

Open the doors to the soul
and let the imagination flow
like a sweet comforting breeze!

I was closed up tight,
Sucking back the loads
Of emotion too heavy to release.
Lest I fall deep in the crevasse,
Never to be heard from again.

Enough, I said to myself
There is no time left for,
this anguish.
All that time is used up!

Write it out,
Release it to the world.
Find the goodness, it is out there
In multitude!
No one’s life is without challenge.
Doesn’t your pain, craziness and complaints
Bore you to pieces?
Write it out,
Let it go.
Open a new door and smell the breeze
The rose garden is in bloom!

Kristen Haskell

Posted over on her site Living in the Middle
Listed as #53 over on Magpie Tales 36
Image borrowed from Bing.

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