Sunday, October 10, 2010

Three Lines, Ten Syllables

I found an old yellowed scrap of
paper this morning in a forgotten
folder, and it begged me to write

an epic sentence of prose--of
twenty five lines, and then it wanted
me to line break it into poetry.
--Glenn Buttkus

All day this odd malaise accompanied
by the first true autumn day - grey sky, wind.
A day for spiced tea, letters to old friends
--Lynne Rees

A walk in October sun via Ulcombe church
to Grafty Green, back for Windmill roast -
Briefly the world is in equilibrium.
--Martin Cordrey


golden corn waves farewell to stubbled fields
sun's gliding arc lowers its burning head
autumn becons with beguiling colour.
--Keith Wallis

All of these and more posted over on Applehouse Poetry

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