Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another Plea To Ada

Painting by Gustav Klimt

Another Plea to Ada

Empty is my cup; its tarnished face
rebukes me. When did it drain dry of love?
The heady wine of passion will not slake
a thirst which longs for tenderest embrace
from loving arms. A hand in velvet glove
could lead me where it willed, and I'd forsake
all other paths. I call upon your grace
of spirit, hoping it may rise above
recriminations for my past mistakes.

Caddoc Trellis

*** A long suffering other half with hidden depths which are about to bubble to the surface.

Posted over on his site A Trellis Fencing
Listed as #11 over on Magpie Tales 42

1 comment:

  1. I find it a little strange that you failed to ask me about posting my poem on your blog! I thought Blog World etiquette would have made you bring it to my attention first - i.e. that you intended to do a little 'free advertising' on my behalf! Having said that, I think you chose a great illustration to go with it...
