Monday, December 13, 2010

Flying Lessons

Image borrowed from Bing

Flying Lesson

red golashes
race up the hill
in the fresh snow
frosty breaths
hang in the air
like runners on a sled
suspended on the edge
of the world
holding on
letting go
without fear
rushing headlong
into the arms
of life

C.M. Jackson 2010

Posted over on States of Mind
Listed as #102 over on Magpie Tales 44


  1. Hello, Glenn. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments. I am a bit confused here at your page, as I am looking for the Magpie you mentioned in your comments to me (about John Lennon, etc.). In the meantime I enjoyed the quotes by Jennifer Conneley in the post preceding this one.

  2. My poem is titled BORROWED TIME.
    Just click on my name at the
    Magpie page, and it will take
    you directly to it.
