Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In Awe of Frozen Beauty

Painting by Peter Mork Monsted

In Awe of Frozen Beauty

Crisp, fresh, magical. The glorious white fields await the eager squeals.
Ice-laden trees sprinkle their glittering magic, across the winter scene,
Like a sparkling illusion, the dullest lands contemplate illustrious wonder,
Deep rooted in our souls, a spiritual calling whispers out to our pasts,
Calling to arms the child within.

Excitement overspills onto the icy flood.
Urging to experience, to feel, to touch... as though for the first time.
Picturing ancestors from eons gone by, in awe of frozen artworks,
What beautiful demon passed his cold touch over berry and thorn?
Painted each branch with a thousand million tiny crystal towers?
Life's stunning perfection, standing perfectly still in its glacial form.

Crisp, fresh, magical.
The glorious white fields await the eager squeals.
Ice-laden trees sprinkle their glittering magic,
across the winter scene,
Like a sparkling illusion,
the dullest lands contemplate illustrious wonder,
Deep rooted in our souls,
a spiritual calling whispers out to our pasts,
Calling to arms the child within.

Excitement overspills onto the icy flood.
Urging to experience, to feel, to touch...
as though for the first time.
Picturing ancestors from eons gone by,
in awe of frozen artworks,
What beautiful demon passed
his cold touch over berry and thorn?
Painted each branch
with a thousand million tiny crystal towers?
Life's stunning perfection,
standing perfectly still in its glacial form.


Posted over on her site Paradoxical Illusions of Grandeur
Listed as #107 over on Magpie Tales 44

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