Friday, January 14, 2011

Good Stuff Cookies

Image borrowed from Bing

Good Stuff Cookies

2 gods
2/3 cup hidden psychic reality
2 tsps. real world
3/4 cup sleep
2 cups sifted all purpose iridescence
2 tsps. good stuff
1/2 tsp pomp and pleasure

Beat gods' hidden psychic reality,
real world and sleep together.
Sift together iridiscence,
good stuff and pomp & pleasure.
Add to real world mixture.

Drop by teaspoon 2 inches apart on cookie sheet.
Press cookies flat with bottom of glass
dipped in sleep. Bake at 400 degrees for
8 to 10 minutes. 2 dozen cookies.
Good stuff!

Anselm Hollo

Sent to me by Rick Mobbs.

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