Tuesday, February 15, 2011

John H. Langley

Image borrowed from Bing

John H. Langley

Blue Swim trunks
His towel caped
Running down the beach like superman
Entertaining my toddler self
Building sand castles and
Wave jumping
A snapshot reminder that he even exists
Yet for him, he knew me
Only I gather him.

A ball scrub off the thirteenth hole
Thousands of balls I cleaned
Right in his back yard
Pilfered salt shakers
Lined up like chess pieces
A laundry shoot
Wishing upon wishing
I could make the slide
Yet for him, he knew me
Only I discover him.

Driving permit days old
His cigar wafting its sweep
“Turn left!” He exclaims.
Timid I, “but grandpa it’s a one way street.”
“Oh malarkey,” he’d say, “It never used to be that way.”
“Turn left,” he insisted.
I couldn’t refuse
It wouldn’t matter anyway
Everyone knew him
Expected it from him
Last thing he gave me I still have
A tiny gold sand dollar charm
Laced with memories
Yet for him, he knew me
And I knew him.

Kristen Haskell
February 14, 2011

Posted over on her site Living in the Middle
Listed as #48 over on Magpie Tales 53

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I've been scanning old photos lately. I wrote this the day before Tess' salt shaker prompt. Serendipity! Any way I do appreciate that you repost my poem and I am again honored. To me, he was an amazing man.
