Sunday, February 6, 2011

These Stones

Image borrowed from Yahoo

These Stones

This ~
this, these
stones, this
is not a wall

is a path
for my drum feet
to play parhumm
parhumm parhumm
pitter patter pit
patter pitter pat

The path, a way, a space
to move, to drive, to cycle,
to bounce a ball forward
to put my jeep in reverse
to paint an arrow
to have a block party
brick, red, rusty path
gold dust mortar for my feet
to walk, run, saunter upon

to find connection
this wall to crawl upon
into the breakthrough that
yearns for me to listen, to follow,
to know, to grow, to be and become -

This is a barrier to what won't
support me, a context for
what will hold me, love me
along this path.

This path leads me
into my ancient self
who lives inside this
brownstone sanctuary
this shelter that holds
me and launches me
into freedom.

Julie Jordan Scott

Posted over on her site Poetry from Julie Jordan Scott
Listed as #66 over on Magpie Tales 51

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