Monday, February 7, 2011

Who Needs Them?

Image by Friko

Friend Friko, over on Friko's World , writes about the reality of our pets running out their earthly tether, and only chasing the spirits of other pets one day.

My dear, sweet, best friend and walking companion,
Benno, is getting old; he still runs
and chases sticks and loves long rambles,
but jumping stiles and five bar gates is more difficult.
In fact, he now graciously waits for me
to open gates for him when before
he sailed over them, no matter how high.
Walking through gates beside cattle grids was for sissies,
he cleared them effortlessly from a standing start.
Not anymore. Running up and down the Castle Mound
doesn't seem to be as much fun as it used to be, either.
When I hurl a stick down the bank,
he still gamely fetches it up the very steep slope,
but only once or twice; the third time
he has a rest half-way up
and finds it more interesting to lie down
and chew his stick for a while,
before he comes up the rest of the hill.

I love that blasted animal.

Damn pets, who needs them, they're such a pain.


1 comment:

  1. I have five pets, yes three dogs and two cats and I can't live without a single one. They are so much a part of my family. I guess I am a cliche because I never could have kids and so I had pets instead!
