Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Ever been in one of those color moods--you know
where a certain color dominates your thoughts. Well,
today is my Yellow day, listening to Beatles, daydreaming
of Ferraris, sunflowers, cabs, butterflies, roses, Corvettes,
fields of mustard, Van Gogh's yellow house. I guess
I can blame it on Jannie Funster who had a yellow
day last Friday, or the fact that it is February and it
is difficult to find the natural yellow in the yard, or
Friko who was reminding us that severe as this
winter has been, stlll is, spring is in the wings.

1 comment:

  1. I love the color yellow. When the forsythia blooms here it is my sign of spring and I am happiest at the first moment I see it. P.S. I am chewing five sticks of Juicy Fruit right now so I can blow yellow bubbles!
