Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Band of Roving Poets

Image borrowed from Yahoo

A Band of Roving Poets

A band of roving poets
draped in fig leaves and
the aroma of scrapbooks
skips through the azaelas
then home to dangle
thoughts on clotheslines
for passersby to see,
some elaborate word quilts
others Rorschach shawls,
others single poetic socks.
However you look at them,
this band of merry poets is
one ass-kickingly bardly bunch.

Jannie Funster

Posted over on her site Jannie Funster


  1. Exquisite! esp. like the sound of 'Rorschach shawls' rolling 'round my tongue. Conjures up Shankshaw Redemption for some reason. Great stuff, this!
