Sunday, April 24, 2011

Breakfast Horrors

Image borrowed from Bing

Breakfast Horrors...

Every morning someone asks me: "So, how would you like your eggs?" with absolute innocence... A bright smile crossing their faces...

Oh, the horror! Not again! Please, not this!

"Um, honey, I've made them sunny side up! Just the way you like it!" the same person, the same well mannered smile...

Why? Why in the name of all that's Holy?! Why???

Doesn't he understand that those eggs are like dead yellow eyes staring right through me?!

Doesn't anyone know that eggs are chicken fetuses? And we're eating them?!

My skin crawls all over whenever I hear "scrambled", "sunny side up" or whichever way those poor unhatched chickens get eaten.

What happened to the PTA?!

"Thanks, honey, just the way I like 'em!" the same sunny smile crosses my face. "Do you have any bread?"

I can't help it... I'm human after all... Omnivorous all the way!


Posted over on The World of Roses
Listed as #86 over on Magpie Tales 62

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