Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Thoughts

Image borrowed from Bing

Easter Thoughts

I'm not sure what the theme
of my homily today ought to be.

Do I want to speak of the miracle
of our Lord's divine transformation?
Not really, no.
I don't want to talk about his divinity.

I'd rather talk about his humanity.
I mean, you know, how he lived his life,
here on earth, his kindness, his tolerance.

Listen, here's what I think.
I think we can't go around measuring our goodness
by what we don't do, by what we deny ourselves,
what we resist, and who we exclude.

I think we've got to measure goodness
by what we embrace, what we create
and who we include.

Père Henri, Chocolat

Posted by Tess Kincaid over on her site Willow Manor

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