Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rain Down

Image by mrnatewired on Photobucket

Rain Down

Walking my dog through the rain,
gazing upon the flashes of lightning,
and absorbing the resulting crashes
of the distant thunder,
I find myself deep in a vague prayer.
I’m soaked from head to toe;
my dog squints into the rushing wind;
I turn my face from the oncoming hail
that has begun to liter the streets;
nevertheless, a joyful,
child-like smile consumes my icy face.

Austin Reina

Posted over on Recalling Nathaniel


  1. this one is mind blowing,
    what a feature.

  2. Invite you to share your poetry with our poetry potluck today,
    Random poems, poems unrelated to our theme are welcome!

    Hope to see you in.
    Bless your talent.

    you can share some of your featured poems with us as well, thanks for the inspirations.
