Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Today Is Not a Good Day For Poems About Horses

Image borrowed from Bing

Today Is Not a Good Day For Poems About Horses

… running through molten silk
or cows wearing Spandex
or pigs dancing with geese

nor is it a good day for poems
about fair young maidens wooed
by rock stars in velvet jodphurs

nor poems about retired sailors
selling surfboard wax on piers
where bikinied girls are skating

and it’s definitely not a good day
for poems about hidden passages
in castles I may never dance in.

it is however, an excellent day for
poems about hammers ringing on
wooden pegs in medieval forests,

hammers slung by men whose happy
singing rings as melodiously as mud,
men free from hard drive crashes

and car crashes and banking crashes
but not free from crashes of the heart
when wives run off with troubadors.

and while we’re on the topic of wives,
today is a great day for poems about
wives drinking wine up in tall trees and

poems about wives drifting through the
Egyptian treasures at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, and wives dyeing socks

with pigments invented after reading
books on ways to darken bright rooms
and on ways to brighten dark moods.

today is not a good day for poems about
horses gliding among molten silk birches
but it’s a great day for poems in general.

Jannie Funster

Posted over on her site Jannie Funster

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