Monday, May 9, 2011

Girls Waving At a Saint-To-Be

Image borrowed from Bing

Girls Waving At a Saint-To-Be

The day I saw a (near) Saint - September 29, 1979, The Phoenix Park, Dublin.

This is an extract from my diary from 1979, the day Pope John Paul II came to Dublin.

"Today was great. We got up at 4.30. We went to the Church at 5.00a.m. and got the bus to Cabra.
There were 1 and a quarter million people in the Phoenix Park.
Daddy made stools, but they collapsed.
Mammy was in the choir.
We saw the Pope in his Popemobile. S (a sister) and I got lost. A priest let us in front and we saw the Pope really clearly in his car. He waved at us.
We had no money and walked home.
It was a brilliant day."

Brigid O'Connor

Posted over on her site Sort Of Writing
Listed as #17 over on Magpie Tales 65

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