Monday, May 2, 2011


Emma and Earl Carpenter


After my grandfather died,
my grandmother,
aching with her loneliness,
gave me some of his personal effects;
a yellow flannel shirt that had dried
deer blood on the pocket,
always too small for me,
a dangerously sharp straight razor
complete with strop,
a pair of his brown zyl glasses
with flecks of oil paint
still on both lenses,
and a bone hair brush,
laden with some of his hair.

Today is Friday, his death day,
so once more I open the White Owl
cigar box to visit with those
precious heirlooms. Once again
I will notice some
of his long grey hairs
loose in the bottom. One more time
I will pick up a single hair
between my thumb and index finger
holding it up to the light,
anxiously awaiting
the wonderful weeping
which always commences as
I touch
a flake of his skin.

Glenn Buttkus

Revisited from March 2010
Listed as #24 over on Magpie Tales 64

Would you like for the Author to read this poem to you?


  1. "wonderful weeping" — heartbreaking, yet hopeful.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Glenn,
    Not a sentimentalist myself, but I did like your "Heirlooms" memorial poem to your Grandfather,
    the artist.

  3. This is gorgeous and nostalgic. I love that you acknowledge "his death day." I try not to open a drawer in a certain bureau, for fear the smell of my grandmother's house will waft out for the last time. Thank you for Heirlooms.

  4. Very tender. Thanks for sharing

  5. This is really beautiful, Glenn. I love the way you examine and cherish the remaining external bits of his DNA. You're a hopeless romantic, just like me.

  6. beautifully captured memories and honourings (if that is a word?)

  7. O God, this is achingly beautiful, Glenn. What imagery. And, "wonderful weeping" I can relate to.

  8. For the fist time I listened to you read Glenn - and in doing so, felt deeply touched by your words.

    Thank you.

    Anna :o]

  9. passionate tale.
    bless you,

    peace and love for your grand parents.
