Monday, June 27, 2011


Image by Chuck Tague


A phalanx of Canadian geese rose
off the cold green water forming
a feathered spearhead winging
tightly south, past the island,
past the dusky treetops, soon
out of sight, just clarion honking
barely stirring the stillness
of that Fall afternoon, drifting
away from me like spirit birds,

standing there stout, Fellini in slumber,
arms extended, lids half closed,
ready to touch the startling image
of Rainier, caressed in golden radiance,
that glimmering blue-pink ghost mountain,
lifting its head slightly like a great white cat
to feel the kiss of a battalion of angels,
when the crackling shrillness of eagles
came to me, cajoling me

to open my eyes entirely, in order
to greet the majestic nesting pair
that ruled over the lake
flying into view, filling the sky

as they frolicked on the currents,
diving down to skim like bullets
over the smooth dark water, looping
up, soaring, tumbling, flapping, floating
absolutely as one heart with four wings,
mates for life,

and just witnessing I found my own
chest swelling with joy, as we,
wingtip to wingtip, became
that royal pair, weightless in the wind
at God’s feet.

Glenn Buttkus

June 2011

Listed as #36 over on Magpie Tales 71

Would you like to hear the Author read this poem to you?


  1. nice Glenn -- very...


  2. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Thrillingly romantic. Always a special treat to hear you read, Glenn. x

  3. Incredible imagery I could visualize this so clearly! Beautiful and romantic

  4. This poem has a nice dream quality, almost a reverie if you hadn't included self so much. In reverie there is no thinking thinker.

  5. a symphony of words and images--just lovely-c

  6. flying wingtip to wingtip

  7. Free as the bird in the sky and together frolicking in the sun. How nice! Your accompanying soliloquy is the icing on the cake. Great!

  8. I treated myself to both versions. A nice journey indeed. Closed my eyes on one of 'em, too!
