Monday, June 20, 2011

Down Home With Junior

Image borrowed from Bing

Down Home With Junior

I do so enjoy reading this blog site,
while sitting here so lonely on my ranch.
No one visits me now.
No one tells me what to do.
So I just count my money and drink Lone Star
and daydream that I am still
the most powerful man on the planet.

.......George W. Bush, Jr.

I painted you last week, there in Texas,
bent over nude, riding a wild boar,
with a dildoo shoved up your rectum,
with your mom riding an armadillo,
and your dad riding your wife,
and your brother on a unicycle
juggling candidate buttons,
with very tall elephants in the back ground,
one of them carrying Osama Bin Laden,
propped up dead, lashed with a lariat,
with berka-wearing topless women
running backwards,
and several clock faces weeping,
with oil wells spouting blood,
with a blizzard of green backs whipping up
from the great fence in the south,
with a giant cactus that has three
human arms and five human legs,
with a rattlesnake wearing a Stetson
dangling from your right hand,
and a severed gas pump handle
dangling from your left hand,
you wearing a fez with golden tassels,
and three one-legged Iraqi War veterans chasing
after your caravan of shame, with an alligator
holding your flight suit in its mouth,
and a knot of fire ants waving
small American flags.
I call it "Fun With the Bush's".

.........Salvador Dali

Glenn Buttkus

June 2011

Listed as #34 over on Magpie Tales 70

Would you like to hear the Author read this poem to you?


  1. I nearly choked with laughter! I'm from Texas and you nailed it perfectly. However, I do think you give "W" WAY too much credit!!


  2. Love the humor in this one. LOL... But then I am also a fan of Dali so... I know to take the descriptions of his work lightly.

  3. I think even Dali is chuckling here! Thanks for the giggles. You nailed it, Glenn.

    btw, I love all the wonderful sepia photos you chose to accompany some of the other Magpie Tales posts.

  4. Oh my. I am trying to post on everyone's Magpie this week and this one is hard for me. Not that I'm a huge fan of any president that I can remember, but this is a bit harsh! I hope Clinton and all the others (even the current one) would get like treatment!

    ...very imaginative... :)

  5. Superb, rollicking imagery. It was difficult for us in the UK to form a balanced judgement of Dubya, but from what I read I concluded he was an extremely stupid war-mongering National Service dodging drunk, elected by Kathleen Harrison's single in the Supreme Court and not very good at talking off the cuff. And how many young Americans did he send to their pointless deaths?
    Glen . . thanks for the idea your poem gave me of an "armadildo"

  6. Awesome! Totally cracked me up

  7. humor is of the best medicine.
    what a treat.

    share 1 to 3 poems with poetry potluck week 41 today.
