Thursday, June 23, 2011


Image borrowed from Bing


It was a sunny spring day as
she stood across the street
from the court house...
her heart racing in anticipation.

On a whim
she turned and opened
the chiming door
of the second hand shop...

Poking around for thrifty treasures
always relaxed her...
A ray of light through the window
blinded her temporarily,
bumping her against
the corner of metal bin...

Looking down
she noticed
the unusual
cross stitched
around the antique
framed photograph...

Her breath caught
as her image
in black and white
stared back
at her...

Goose flesh arose
upon the back
of her neck...

Something familiar
filled her gut...
an instant
in the dark lashed eyes,
the shape of her face,
her brows,
her nose
and lips...

Her finger twirled
the air
at the edge of the frame,
as she imagined
the dark,
natural curls
around her finger...

Donna B.

Posted over on her site Discovering the Purpose
Listed as #72 over on Magpie Tales 70

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