Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Magic Snakes Rules

Image borrowed from Bing

Magic Snakes Rules

We always played games in the car
until mum threatened to throw the snakes
out the window if we weren’t quiet
we’d watch the clock blink until
we could speak again
those were the rules.

We listened to the Magic Pudding:
one snake each
and then we heard James and the Giant Peach
and then we had two snakes.
I always wanted the green ones
and Petal always wanted the yellow ones.

We played eye-spy and spelling-bee and
we sang along to Bananas in Pyjamas and
I sang the Queen of the Night
and we all had one snake each.

Petal fell asleep and Mum took over the driving
We listened to Mowgli and the Enormous Crocodile and
Dad ate all the red ones

I fell asleep and Mowgli’s crocodile
fed snakes to the Magic Flute
Mum never did throw them out the window.

Isabel Doyle

Posted over on her site Written in Exile
Listed as #50 over on Magpie Tales 71

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