Thursday, June 9, 2011

Never Was A Shade

Image by Tess Kincaid

Never Was A Shade


We recently lost a majestic pine tree in a storm at Willow Manor. It was most likely a tornado, that came literally swirling out of nowhere, with the sound of a freight train, throwing all kinds of limbs and debris against the front windows, which happen to face west.

I'm not one to be afraid of storms, in fact, I rather enjoy the drama of an ominous sky, and claps of thunder that reverberate off the limestone Scioto River basin behind the house. But this storm scared me. It roared through and was gone in the space of just a few minutes, pulling up large trees by the roots along a mile stretch of our road.

I have a certain spiritual connection to trees, and hate to see one, especially this old, come down. I love to place my hands on a tree and feel the peace and strength it exudes. This wise one was about 100 years old, since I counted nearly 96 rings, which means it was here even before the house was built in 1927. I'm sure it will be proud to keep Willow Manor toasty-warm for several winters to come.


Tender and beautiful fronds
of my beloved plane tree,
let Fate smile upon you.
May thunder, lightning, and storms
never bother your dear peace,
nor may you by blowing winds be profaned.

A shade there never was,
of any plant,
dearer and more lovely,
or more sweet.

Tess Kincaid

Posted over on her site Willow Manor and on her Facebook wall.

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