Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Witch Reflects

Painting by Malle Babbe, 1630

A witch reflects:

It's not so great being an evil witch, I'm telling you.

I've seen myself in reflections and boy, is there a lady's replenishing cream out there with my name on it, not sure it would work on warts though.
Anyway, here I stay in my dark little house in the woods each day with just a malevolent cat for company.

Who ever thinks of my love life? No-one that's who.
Running scared every time I even breathe near them, those villagers, courting and collecting meadow flowers, cavorting their happiness in front of me.
Surprised? A witch having feelings.

OK. hands up, I've had bad press and in my early days, drunk on black magic, I did poison a handful of people. Well, you would too, if you saw their lovey-dovey little ways...

But a girl can change..and get lonely...now, I try white magic, I'd like a bit of lovey-dovey myself before I am a dead witch.
How will she find a man, you say?

An evil witch, ugly and covered in warts, with bad teeth and a hint of bad body odour..not to mention the facial hair problems...

See that eye? That's for my love blindness stew..pop it in with a virgin's spit, tears from a newborn and the usual mix of bats wing, yada, yada, yada....and before you can say 'evil sad, lonely, menopausal witch' you have a perfect love potion.

Come back and cut and paste that recipe, ladies, you won't find that in a Jamie Oliver cookbook.

I've seen a lovely lumberjack in the woods, he whistles every morning passing my door and girls, he has great muscles, I'm smitten really. Some days, I find myself whistling instead of cackling, bizarre? A singing witch, you've heard it all now. One day last week, I found myself actually smiling, now that was plain weird.

So the eye goes into my love stew and this very lunch time, a certain lumberjack will feast on it and become blind to my ugliness.

I am so tired of everyone else's happy ever afters..
Yes, I am due a bit of fairytale magic, wish me luck..

Brigid O'Connor

Posted over on her site Sort of Writing
Listed as #47 over on Magpie Tales 68

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