Saturday, July 30, 2011

Early Morning: Cape Cod

Painting by Ernest Lawson

Early Morning: Cape Cod

We wake to double blue:
an ocean without sail,
sky without a clue
of white.
Morning is a veil
sewn of only two
threads, one pale,
one bright

We bathe as if in ink,
but peacock-eyed and clear;
a roof of periwink
goes steep
into a bell of air
vacant to the brink.
Far as we can peer
is deep

royal blue and shy
iris, queen and king
colors of low
and high.
Then dips
a sickle wing,
we hear a hinged cry:
taut as from a sling

a taunting gull.
And now across our gaze
a snowy hull
along its stays
break out to windpulls.

With creaking shears
the bright
gulls cut the veil
in two,
and many a clue
on scalloped sail
dots with white
our double blue.

May Swenson

Posted over on the Writer's Almanac
"Early Morning: Cape Cod" by May Swenson, from Nature: Poems Old and New

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