Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If Love Has a Library

Image borrowed from NASA

If Love Has a Library

If love has a library of every book you’ll ever read
starting with great-uncle Cromagnon Mike’s hunting
yarns passed down to cousins Billy Bob and Billie Sue
in caves where bear flesh sustained the future you,

through the years when printing presses clacked
while you apprenticed in growing up and growing
towards museums about men walking on the moon
and men stirring glowing cauldrons of binary code,

all the way to the final pages your eyes will read
in print so enormous you think of it as Jupiter now,
consider my name swirled into each chapter’s art
and my heart the light that shines on every word.

Jannie Funster

Posted over on her site Jannie Funster

1 comment:

  1. Oh, God. I'm speechless. Why can't I write like that!! gurrr..

    Hats off to you, Funster! This reads like a masterpiece. Wow. That's all I can say.


    (p.s. great pic from NASA, too ;> )
