Sunday, August 28, 2011

Married Life

Image borrowed from Bing

Married Life

Him, at home, looking out of the window:

Didn't she say she'd be on the later train because she was going to have her hair done after work ?
Oh no, it's raining hard. She won't like that.
I know what I'll do. I'll see if I can get to the station in time to get her brolly to her.
I'll take the bike, that's quicker.

Him, at the station, looking round:

No sign of her. No sign of anybody. The train must be late.

Passenger, hurrying, coming up from the platform:

You missed the train, mate, it's been and gone.

Him, on the platform, standing in the rain, wondering what to do:

Where can she be? Perhaps she waited for the next train?
I'll hang about a bit, see if she's on that one.

Her, at home, sitting over a cup of tea, as he walks in:

Where have you been? You are wet through. What was so urgent that it couldn't wait until after the rain? I've been back ages. When I came out of the hairdresser's and saw how hard it poured, I took a cab. Didn't fancy getting soaked.

Ursula White

aka: Friko

Posted over on her site Friko's World
Listed as #15 over on Magpie Tales 80

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