Wednesday, September 7, 2011


image borrowed from Rob Kistner


I now move in the world unseen
I am transparent
a fading glimpse
caught in the darkened corner
of an ever dimming eye

where once I blocked the sun
I am but a shadow
moving between shadows
at the edge of light
without solid form

once a voice
that thundered ‘cross the distance
called all near to listen
in doing so was heard
now hardly just a whisper

my footsteps
shook the ground in passing
now leave but faint a trace
barely form and then are gone
as if I am no longer here

yet here I am
worn thin and weary
not strength to hold the hands of time
not sound to bid a fair goodbye
quickly disappearing

dissolving into the dust of age
gone before I’ve left
• • •
rob kistner © 2011

Posted over on his site Image and Verse

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