Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Facebook, Films, and Life

Image by Glenn Buttkus

For a long time now, like over three years, I
managed to find the time to post thousands
of things on this site; loving every creative
poetic moment of it.

Then I fell through the deck on June 1, 2011,
launching myself into dozens of pity parties
and withdrawn healing phases. Now my healing
is at 98%, and I find my photography and that
social behemoth network, FACEBOOK, snatch most
of my free time; and that's substantial now
that I am in fact retired.

And of course, I still manage to get out to
a theater a couple times a week to see some
new films, and now that I am semi-functional
again, I have picked back up the reins of
control for the Tacoma Film Club, and the beat
goes on with celluloid ambrosia.

So, somewhat sadly, as I get ready to head out
the door for the Tacoma Film Club's monthly
discussion night (this month we discuss THE HELP,
I lingered for a few minutes at the site, and
felt like a son spending too much time out of'
the nest, finding my kicks in the damndest places.

Fear not, for I do not, will not give up the joy
this blog gives me, and is extended to thousands
of drop in readers the counters tell me check out
things here daily. See you soon blogger mates.


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