Monday, November 21, 2011


painting by  pablo picasso


They streaked brilliantly across
the cheeks of the millennium, crackling
like a Texas lightning bolt, quicksilver brilliant
against the gulf coast indigo horizon,
dropping, falling in a parallel arc,
two meteors blazing together,
spewing bold white electric heart-trails
beneath the moon;

yet still twisting and veering away
until some inexorable force,
some cosmic coupling
stone captures both projectiles, just
steel shavings drawn into magnetic orbits,
rocketing into a beautiful alignment,
touching wing tips, mingling the fire
from their jets, coming in hot,
but landing softly on the earth,
and taxiing into a heavenly hanger,

where a magnificent metamorphosis occurs,
blessed by the universe, commingling,
souls blithly in lock step, becoming
a completely new organism,
a shining entity
comprised from both helix,
lust that became love,
standing happily breathless
in front of the multitudes,
a man and a woman once,
now husband and wife,

Glenn Buttkus

November 2011

Listed as #62 over on Magpie Tales 92

Would you like the author to read this poem to you?


  1. That's quite a journey you took us on. I like the imagery you used, it's as striking as the painting!

  2. I still much prefer it when the author reads their work. You get the feelings, the emotions, when it is read the way it was meant to be. Reading it myself, I did not put emphasis on certain words that changed its meaning once I heard them spoker.
    Truly inspirational piece that I enjoyed immensely.

  3. I liked the poem when I read it, but it really took hold of me when you read it.



  4. Lovely! This is a wonderful poem.

  5. nice...i wondered what your follow up would be after the screen play...this is cool...fate or kismet brought together two that otherwise might have streaked across the sky never to see each other...but brought to gether in marriage...and that is how it happens usually a small miracle itself...smiles.

  6. Cosmic coupling...I love's nice to see you back to your stellar poetic form, Glenn...nice piece...

  7. Dear Glenn: Brilliant imagery of mind filmography! WoW you are very very very imaginative!

  8. The cheeks of the Millenium.
    Cosmic couplings.
    Man & Woman united.
    What's not to LOVE about this poem, Glenn?!

  9. i loved these line->

    crackling like a Texas lightning bolt

    spewing bold white electric heart-trails

    steel shavings drawn into magnetic orbits,

    mingling the fire from their jets, coming in hot,
