Saturday, December 10, 2011

What Thou Lovest Well Remains...

image borrowed from bing

What Thou Lovest Well Remains,
With The Possible Exception
Of Fire Maidens Of Outer Space

Deep down, to this day,
I love sitting in a darkened theater
waiting for the movie curtains to swing aside.
A huge screen is revealed and the lights slowly dim.
Then life springs onto the screen—
big, bright images—
but more than images—
this is what comes alive before me—
a world made of light.

I can’t call this solely a love of movies, not exactly.
The whole theater is part of it.
Even today, though there usually aren’t curtains
and the screen is not that big,
every time I go to see a film,
I feel it is saving my life.

Michael Gushue

Posted over on Murder Your Darlings

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