Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wild Ice

image by alex shapiro

Wild Ice

Yesterday morning I walked
out to my car around ten o’clock,
accompanied by a sun that blazed
low and hot on my back
as I entered the prairie grass
field behind the house.
I was greeted with something extraordinary.
And, so beautiful, I nearly wept.

A tsunami, of sorts. A giant wave to ride.
A set of fallen leaves.
A collection of feathers, gently landed.
Frozen, museum quality art.

Nature’s natural crystallization at work.
Brilliant, Escher-esque patterns
and perfect math and utter perfection.
I’ve never seen anything like this.

Oh, and in case you can’t tell….
it was the ice on my windshield.

I live amidst wildlife.
I eat wild rice.
And now I can add wild ice to my list!

Alex Shapiro

Posted as prose over on her site Notes From the Kelp
Line breaks by Glenn Buttkus

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