Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We Were Once Strangers

image borrowed from bing

We Were Once Strangers

We were once strangers
Our bodies foreign
Our dreams all that mattered

We were once strangers
Our stories yet shared
Our hopes presented

In fancy crystal
Upon a perfectly set table
Dressed to impress

Has become dressed to get by
As we come to know the other
As we come to know the lies

We were once lovers
Insatiable longings
Unmatched desire

We were once lovers
Pulse racing, irrational wanting
Copulating on the sly

In closets and alleys
Magnets attracted
Drunk on adrenalin

But no more as fear
Steals energy, dreams
The strength to care

At one time we mattered
At one time the world warped
Based on our wishes

At one time we mattered
All it took was a dream
And the powers that be

Told us we could achieve
And helped us find our way
As our story, our life

Unfolded out into the land
Of prosperity, of freedom
Where we could be all we could be.

At one time…
…we mattered.

Natasha Head

aka: Tashtoo

Posted over on her site the Tashtoo Parlour
Listed as #9 over on dVerse Poets-Open Link Night 27

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