Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Home, A New Dawn

painting borrowed from bing

Home, A New Dawn

Among the ink-vein tree silhouettes,
houses stand like flat stage props between
tangerine dawn and me, on a stage set
for the performance of A New Day.
The songbirds tune up
in their arboreal orchestra pit,
with their chi-chi-chi-chees
and pew-pew-pews.
A brace of ducks bullet across the sky,
x-ing back and forth, bouncing off
all the dramatic walls surrounding me,
even the one I can’t see. I wince
as crow after crow scrapes his voice
against the slate clouds to the west,
where shy morning moon hides
the fitting nakedness of her intercourse
with Night, but not with Day.
My face is up and joyful,
my senses newly cracked open
and throbbing with a painless pain
of recognition. Because of you
I’ve made it through this winter
that never really was,
to this spring
I never thought would ever be.

Joseph Hesch

Posted over on his site A Thing For Words
Listed as #11 over at dVerse Poets-OLN35

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