Monday, June 4, 2012

The Line

image borrowed from bing

The Line
Sean would follow the familial edict
for the Murphys have always been cops.
He was born hungry for the badge,
would stand for hours in the iconic
“Hallway of the Constabulary”
staring lovingly at the police portraits
that lined the wall, stretching from
1899 to 1999.
He was naturally tenacious, 
and he remembered fondly 
the knuckle-kohl he created over the eye
of the stupid kid who had been 
erroneously eponymous when calling
his forbearers a “herd of pigs”.
He would be 19 tomorrow
and could barely wait to scrawl
his proud signature on the official
police academy application--
his chance, his turn to carry on
the Murphy legacy,
to become an urban warrior,
to protect and serve,
to hit the mean streets ready
to flick the silver snap 
over his service revolver, 
to finally gel with the Murphy 
version of “the long blue line” syndrome,
thankful that he also would be able
to capture his other dewy dream,
to move toward matrimony,
to make Katie his wife,
to finally lift that white tulle veil
in front of both their families,
to add her feminine strengths
to his perfect plans--
to create several sons,
to bequeath the pure police heritage,
to conjure up pride four generations deep;
but you know, if all he could produce
were daughters--that would be acceptable
too in this modern world
where women make hard ass cops,
and hell yes, his girls would be
the first femmes to join the line. 
Glenn Buttkus
May 2012. 

Posted over on Monday Melting 20

Would you like to hear the author read this poem to you?


  1. Ha! Love the ending. :) I hate the idea of men (or anyone) making plans like that. People should be able to choose for themselves, go after their own passions.

    I recognize that photo from my days in publishing; it's a stock photo we used.

    This was so creative: "the knuckle-kohl he created over the eye"

    Great work, Glenn.

  2. Great topic for these words, Glenn! Melting words blended well!

  3. I just wrote mine---a couple of haiku---if you're interested in reading.

  4. sounds like he has his life all planned...first, sean murphy was my best friend when i lived in MD...he wasnt a cop is interesting the family lineage in cops...i wanted to be a cop at one point...well was for a bit but...anyway...yes women make for fine cops as well...

  5. I did not stop for the stop sign -
    Though it had kindly stopped for me -
    The motorcycle cop gave -
    Some advice to me for free

    Do not do that again she said -
    In a stern and serious voice -
    For it is a law young man -
    It is not as choice

    So I nodded and capitulated -
    And promised never again -
    While in my head the words ran free -
    Fast chance, cutie pie, fat chance.

  6. You are a great storyteller! You always make the words fit so seamlessly. Always enjoy your site!

  7. Femme fatal if not fatale :-)
    We talk of the 'thin blue line' for the police.
    Liked the pace of the story and the picture you borrowed.

  8. Really nice piece Glenn. Love the second last stanza, really came out great. Thanks

  9. Very fun - great pic! k.

  10. Coming a tad late to the party...I enjoyed this piece. As my gents, DIL are all Vol Fire-fighters (no longer restricted to 'Firemen'. Grandson will mostly likely follow as he
    almost lives at the station house.
    I've got the following which also links to a companion piece that I wrote for The Sunday Whirl wordle list ...enjoy:
