Monday, August 27, 2012


image borrowed from bing


Abused and scorned by her husband,
Ruth, laden with needs unfulfilled,
sought out the randy imp, dropping
four golden shekels into his cedar box,
and stretched out on his velvet divan,
taking only two bites of the root candy 
before becoming overwhelmed
with blissful heat and satyric need,
captive of the deliriant hallucinogenic, 

happily allowing the mandragora to climb up
onto her hips, stroking her 
with his hands and tongue
past the chrysolite gem in her navel,
sliding beyond her thin waist
to stop teasingly at the pocket of her sweetness,
beneath the silken cluster of her dewey fur,
golden as sunlit wheat chaff,
dousing the pink pliable labia with scented oils,
washing away the veneer of fear and doubt;

soon arousing her carnal appetites,
he rode the shivering undulations
that emerged as he began to massage
her clitoris, frantic-heaving lustful-arching
as her womanhood craved contentment
and just as the orgasmic fury peaked

she was envisioning the humungous creature
of living energy, the Mandragora Helix,
that could snare electromagnetic fields
and jerk the earth slightly off its axis
and then let it snap back into balance
just to demonstrate its cosmic prowess;

she rose majestically from the perfumed pillows,
shook out the tangles from her tresses,
smoothed out her skirts, and then
bowed low with both hands brushing
the beautiful carpet before making
her sweeping exit, pausing only to scoop
up a handful of chocolate raisins
from a crystal goblet by the door,
leaving unescorted and smiling. 

Glenn Buttkus

August 2012

Would you like to hear the author read this poem to you?


  1. I was giggling like a schoolgirl through the whole thing. :)

    The ending is my favorite part:
    "pausing only to scoop
    up a handful of chocolate raisins
    from a crystal goblet by the door,
    leaving unescorted and smiling."

    I looked up Mandragora Helix and saw that it was from Doctor Who. Very clever application.

    Thank you for writing this week, Glenn.

  2. Continue to love your poetry, thanks!


  3. haha..great story telling and very cool that idea with the mandragora helix part...

  4. "Golden as sunlit wheat chaff" This poem is filled with beautiful, erotic language, & yet my favorite image is wheat chaff. Can you tell I'm working harvest? Love the honesty in this one.

  5. Didn't know whether to take it as humorous or serious!! Almost erotic, but told in such a matter-of-fact manner that it really had more of a "cheeky" feel. All in all, an interesting little tale...

  6. Sorry, my comment "double" posted, so I deleted one of them.

  7. def caught the nice sir...and a bit of a sassy ending to your tale as well...smiles...

  8. A great read! And perfect ending, very well penned.

  9. Too smart for your own good if you ask me...I'm not sure if the blushing is more warranted than the laughter or not...either way, many thanks for the smiles to start my day. :)

  10. Steamy hot and insightful. Who whispered the secret to you women like it more than men?! You certainly seem to know where all the buttons are and brought both a smile and a smirk to my lips!

  11. Sensual words this week...erotic results. Beautiful. Guess I'm getting old...mine is landscape-driven. :0)

  12. I posted three midweek bonus lists, Glenn. I hope you'll come write for them. :)
