Friday, November 23, 2012


image borrowed from facebook


“Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion
of time, effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of
an end.”--Germaine De Stael

The kids and grandchildren showed up
Happy to gather before noon, just
Eager to visit, to cook, to hug, to
Palaver about politics, sports, the weather;

Remembering holidays past, discussing the meats
Of a different ilk, just for fun, iguana, tarantula, ostrich,
Porcupine, python, but then finally settling in

Over a perfect golden brown turkey, going around the table
Speaking about what each of us was thankful for
As Andrea’s boyfriend went romantically to one knee,
Laughed at her surprise, and then proposed to her.

[He went to Jared, and she said yes in front of the family.]

Glenn Buttkus

Thanksgiving 2012

Posted over on dVerse Poets FFA

Would you like to hear the author read this acrostic poem to you?


  1. oh wow...a proposal at thanksgiving in front of the whole family... you just started a movie in my mind with all the different proposal stories i've heard of...smiles... happy thanksgiving glenn...always good seeing you in the pub..

  2. oh wow man...a proposal at the thanksgiving table...nice...sounds like you had a great thanskgiving...thankful for you as well brother...

  3. Glenn, that is just awesome! That - and this "proposal" acrostic poem - add up to a memorable Thanksgiving. Cheers!

  4. That is so exciting! And very cleverly done on his part and yours! Thanks much. k.
