Thursday, October 16, 2014


image from archives


“A man should exchange bread for flowers of the narcissus,
because the bread feeds only the body, but the flower feeds
the soul.”--Muhammed.

Turn a window sill into a riot of blossoms, or
Tattoo a Paperwhite Narcissus, the bulb like a
Turnip, on the tender backside of your
Thigh, allowing this beautiful, hardy and
Tenacious tubor to become your organic
Totem, emulating the qualities of it, that I’m
Told will grow immediately, even without soil.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over on dVerse Poets MTB

Would you like to hear the author read this Pleiades Poem to you?


  1. Nurtured with love and care this plant will sprout. Thanks for you participation.

  2. A wonderful experience those Tazetta.. the smell of them is something I recall as a winter treat..

  3. ok, maybe it is that I work in the high school but I felt a bit of a sensuous undertone to this one...maybe it was the organic totem that did it...ha...also the use of turnip (side note: did you see the first lady's rap on turnips yesterday, oh my)...

  4. I don't think I have come across one ~ Admiring the t, specially organic totem ~

  5. Love the paper-whites......a bit boondoggled over the positioning on the back of the thigh, hee hee.

  6. Nice, Glenn, and a terrific response to the prompt...albeit longer lines...once stuck on a theme it's hard to change the vein of thought...letter T has a lot of possibilities, though, as in texture which you give the poem.

  7. Liked this naughty narcissus poem...clever and creative.

  8. Glenn,

    Turn a window sill into a riot of blossoms. I just adore that line. This poem has a sensuous feel to it.
    smiling here.

  9. This is very clever, Glenn. I like the idea of having an 'organic Totem' though I personally am not fond of tattoos. Smiles.

  10. I have to agree with Cressida Glenn, nice

  11. I do love paper-whites, but the thought of a tattoo on the backside of my thigh just makes me twinge.

  12. "Tenacious tubor to become your organic
    Totem,"..oh i love this line and also the window sill one...super write..

  13. i like riot of blossoms

  14. Tattoo or alive, you have me thinking the sweet little narcissus is no longer mere myth. Pretty tricky!

  15. They are beautiful! And your suggestion sounds quite romantic.

  16. Wow... and you didn't even talk about the ever popular rose... my daddy gave me paper whites years ago... they still bloom long past his passing

  17. Love the "riot of blossoms" and I agree the narcissus are beautiful, but their smell is over-powering.

  18. This is stunning. I think you broke the syllabic rule (six per line), but it was well worth it! You had me captured from the title and image, but the poem spun a web 'round my soul too, like that sweet narcissus might do, if given the chance. Beautiful ending. I loved every word of this.

  19. I like the connection between the plant's hardiness and using that as a symbol for personal strength. Well done.

  20. A fragrant blossom of a poem filled with sensuous tattoos and a turnip too! smiles K

  21. This is brilliant...the quote you start with is not only such a perfect introduction but also a magnificent starting point for the theme you wove throughout the poem. Gorgeous :-)
